Mit dem Ende der Friedenspflicht im Tarifstreit zwischen VW und der IG Metall hat die Gewerkschaft Warnstreiks in "allen ...
Germany's largest union IG Metall has reportedly said Volkswagen AG workers across Germany could begin warning strikes after November ...
Volkswagen workers offered on Wednesday to back 1.5 billion euros ($1.6 billion) in cost savings if it rules out closing ...
Jetzt wird gestreikt bei Volkswagen. Die IG Metall hat zu Warnstreiks aufgerufen. Auch im Werk in Baunatal (Kreis Kassel) ...
Talks between Volkswagen (VWAPY) and IG Metall union failed to resolve labor issues, work stoppages could start early next ...
Germany's IG Metall union lashed out on Wednesday at plans to cut thousands of jobs at Ford, saying that the restructuring ...
Volkswagen, struggling with high costs and competition from China, has rejected union cost-saving proposals aimed at ...
Im Tarifkonflikt bei VW stehen die Zeichen auf Arbeitskampf. Mit demonstrativen Aktionen begeht die IG Metall das Ende der ...
As layoffs hit German auto and steel workers, unions are threatening large-scale strikes and politicians are scrambling.