Reversing a previous ruling from before the legalization of marijuana, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday the smell of burnt cannabis alone is insufficient grounds for ...
Simply smelling burnt cannabis does not give a police officer the right to conduct a warrantless search of an automobile, the ...
Law enforcement officers in Illinois cannot rely on the smell of burnt cannabis alone to justify searching a vehicle without ...
The smell of burnt marijuana is no longer grounds to search a vehicle, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday. The ruling ...
Police will no longer be able to use the smell of marijuana to justify searching a vehicle without a warrant, the Illinois ...
In a 6-0 ruling, the court found that cannabis laws in Illinois had evolved to the point that just catching a whiff of burnt ...
Smollett claimed he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack near his Streeterville apartment in January 2019.
An odor of burnt marijuana doesn’t justify a search of a car without a warrant in Illinois. That's the ruling Thursday from the Illinois Supreme Court.
The Illinois Supreme Court ruled 6-0 that without other suspicious circumstances, such as a driver failing to stop for some ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (CN) — The Illinois Supreme Court issued a landmark state ruling on Thursday when it decided that law ...
The Illinois Supreme Court published seven opinions Thursday, including a ruling on a challenge to the constitutionality of a policy related to Firearm Owner’s Identification cards and a quantum ...