HumanKind Ministries is “urgently requesting community support” of donated food items for its emergency winter shelter, which ...
With Wichita’s Emergency Winter Shelter open, HumanKind Ministries is reaching out to the public, asking for help with ...
New pet parents in Arizona can adopt a spayed or neutered, fully vaccinated and microchipped pooch or feline from Dec. 1-17.
Steve Johnson, 52, has lived on the streets of Wichita for a year. He's excited to lay down in a new bed at the emergency ...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Wichita officials said the emergency winter homeless shelter will be opening a few days ...
Due to cold temperatures, the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services has activated its shelter services in Baltimore for ...
City officials have shared the contingency plan for taking shelter in the winter months. The plan, which goes into effect ...
Yakama Nation officials argued that they qualified as a religious organization taking action to protect homeless community ...
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Wichita’s new winter shelter is set to open this week. Wichita City leaders originally planned to open ...
“Our immediate goal and objective is an emergency winter shelter, a 24/7, at least 18-week shelter through the winter months, ...
Inside a church on Great Neck Road on Tuesday afternoon, staff from PiN Ministry inflated 70 air mattresses and laid them out ...