Most of the exoplanets we've discovered orbit red dwarf stars. This isn't because red dwarfs are somehow special, simply that ...
What is a brown dwarf star? These formations often defy classification, blurring the line between planets and stars.
The dwarf planet Ceres has a diameter of almost 1,000 kilometers and is located in the asteroid belt. In the television ...
Do aliens sleep? You may take sleep for granted, but research suggests many planets that could evolve life don’t have a day ...
IT is easy to feel like we know nothing about our universe, and unexplained stellar objects are the most puzzling feature of ...
Brown, who is among the co-discoverers of Sedna, told the publication, “Some of our earlier hypotheses, before we realized ...
Jupiter" exoplanet called 2M1207b, precisely 20 years ago this week. This was the first direct visual confirmation of a world ...
Photosynthesis changed Earth in powerful ways. When photosynthetic organisms appeared, it led to the Great Oxygenation Event.
Mexico, N.Y. – Malaki Sandejas, 8, loves a dwarf planet. Sitting next to his mom on their couch, he rattles off the five in our solar system. “The dwarf planets are Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Ceres and ...
When the International Astronomical Union announced in 2006 that Pluto was being demoted from its status as the Sun’s ninth ...
R esearchers looking for objects in the Kuiper Belt – the donut-shaped region beyond the orbit of Neptune containing icy ...
The discovery of an Earth-mass planet around a white dwarf based on gravitational microlensing could offer clues to the ...