Don’t say we don’t tell you, readers. Because we do tell you.
Earlier today we heard from the SNP’s depute leader Keith Brown that the party now accepts there will never be another ...
This must be some kind of mistake. Because we’re pretty sure you’ve spent the last decade telling us that just couldn’t ...
Astonishingly, there isn’t a single word of apology anywhere in this statement. There isn’t a scintilla of contrition, not ...
I signed the Edinburgh Agreement with David Cameron to secure the independence referendum of September 2014. On the same day ...
We’ve just watched the BBC’s new documentary, and we’re confused. You can see both episodes on iPlayer now, or on TV tonight ...
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In the 1990s, Dr. Robert Smith, a surgeon at Falkirk Royal Infirmary, performed a pair of amputations on two men. Neither of the men involved had anything physically wrong with them, but both were ...
Most tellies nowadays can show YouTube by one means or another, though, so while we’ve linked it above, Wings recommends that ...
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