This will be a regional training hosted by the Shelby County Division of Correction (local sentenced facility) and will be held Monday, December 9, 2024, to December 13, 2024. The host agency will ...
If participant travel is required, authorized travel-related expenses will be reimbursed within 60 to 90 days of the conclusion of this event. Flights are paid for in advance by NIC. Reimbursable ...
This will be a regional training hosted by the Mississippi Division of Corrections and will be held Monday, February 3, 2025, through Friday, February 7, 2024. The host agency will select participants ...
An integrated series of steps that result in a comprehensive and innovative staffing plan is presented. Designed for jail administrators, this guide discusses the elements of an effective process for ...
This page is our concentrated collection of streaming video resources, a subset of our larger NIC collection. These items are mostly NIC webinar trainings, broadcasts, and recordings from other ...
What is a Topic page? Topic pages each contain a collection of the best NIC publications, videos, and media as well as news articles and resources from the field on a given corrections subject. They ...
Looking for help with the NIC Learn Center? NIC is happy to help you with our NIC Learn Center needs, we have a dedicated Learn Center support team who can be reached using the following methods: ...
There is no content associated with this term at this time.
This practice guide will stress that efforts to safely reduce the inappropriate detention of low-risk girls must be rooted in JDAI’s [Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative’s eight] core ...
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We will be adding new courses soon. Please re-visit this page or subscribe to NIC's email alerts for updates.