Gender-responsive financing initiatives, which take into account the diverse needs, roles and responsibilities of people of ...
Background paper on dates and venues for the first annual high-level dialogue on complementarity and coherence. Open. English PDF 0.08 MB ...
This report is prepared annually by the secretariat to assist Parties in tracking progress towards meeting the goal of gender balance in advancing gender-sensitive climate policy. It presents a ...
Each Party included in Annex I to the Convention must submit an annual inventory of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases for all years from the base year (or period) to two years before the ...
Interim secretariat of the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage ...
UNFCCC. Katowice Committee of Experts on Impact of Implementation of Response Measures (KCI) ...
This session, part of the Greenovations seven-part webinar series focused on three thematic domains of gender, enabling environment, and emerging issues within Africa's green innovation and ...
All Parties are requested to submit the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by 2025. These NDCs will be crucial in determining whether the world gets back on a trajectory which ...
The Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage promotes the implementation of approaches to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts, in a comprehensive, integrated and ...
The Plastic Bank is an international corporation that has implemented a market-based solution to improve the health of the planet. In Haiti, plastic waste is collected by local people and sold to ...