The dialogues between Athena and the others are barbed and witty. The scenes, or sequences of action that mingle with words, go by quickly, but with the same wit & stamp of relevance as Athena does, ...
The community-sponsored Measure GG would build on these wins and reclaim Berkeley’s mantle of climate leadership. It would provide permanent funding for electrification over 25 years, supplying ⅔ of ...
Jack Bragen writes often for The Street Spirit News, The San Francisco Street Sheet, and, of course the Berkeley Daily Planet. His work has also appeared in San Jose Mercury, Bewildering Stories and ...
Amid this horrific scenario, the heroes are the doctors who have vowed to stay with their patients, many breathing their last, defying the inhumane demands of Prime Minister Netanyahu.
W: Vote your conscience. Adds two higher tiers to 2018’s homeless-services tax (Measure P), and makes the tax permanent, removing voter oversight. The City Council has so far used these funds to ...
Recommendation: Adopt a first reading of an Ordinance to add a subsection to Berkeley Municipal Code Section 9.04.165 to create an exemption on the taxing of business gross receipts relating to ...
This proposal is nothing more than a giant giveaway to BioTech, National Defense and Big Pharma — industries that already profit from government grants and venture capital funding, and that aren't an ...
AGENDA: 1. Conference with Labor Negotiators Employee Organizations, Fire Fighters Local 1227 I.A.F.F. Fire Chiefs, Berkeley Police Associations, SEIU 1021 Community Services and Part-time Recreation ...
A recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing listed Ms. Hahn’s spouse compensation at $4,337,928 for 2023 although this included stock options that may not yet have been awarded.