A passing star may have kicked the weird moons of giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn into place, new research suggests.
Scientists say microscopic black holes could explain the elusive "dark matter" that makes up a quarter of all matter in the ...
Astronomers have observed three types of black holes in the universe. Stellar-mass black holes formed from the collapse of a ...
This gas cloud located 500 light years away from our solar system is about to become a planet.This process usually takes a ...
"If there are lots of black holes out there, some of them must surely pass through our backyard every now and then." ...
A new study suggests that a microscopic black hole might pass through our solar system once every decade or so.
This novel model challenges existing notions of how the solar system came to look the way it does today. The solar system's giant planets are famous for their many moons. Saturn currently leads ...
A mind-bending hypothesis is gaining traction among scientists: The universe may be teeming with microscopic black holes the size of an atom, but with the mass of a city-sized asteroid. Created ...
An MIT study suggests that primordial black holes could be dark matter and might cause detectable wobbles in Mars' orbit.
According to a new study, if a primordial black hole passed within a few hundred million miles of Mars, it could shift the planet's orbit by about a meter -- causing a "wobble." ...
Black holes about the size of a hydrogen atom could be careening through the solar system unnoticed. But their days of stealth may be numbered. Two teams of researchers propose methods to search ...