The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will again report on how much time and money federal employees spend on union ...
Iowa U.S. Sens. Grassley, Ernst denounce VA benefits shortfall while voting to cover it; Ernst attacks Biden administration ...
It’s all but certain that fees will be reintroduced to the Small Business Administration’s bread-and-butter loan program.
Iowa tax bills will be slightly lower this year, as the state’s individual income tax rate dropped by nearly 2 percentage points. Government officials in Iowa passed a comprehensive tax reform ...
Iowa's U.S. senators are not hapless bystanders as Donald Trump endangers Americans, writes the Register's editorial board.
The law means I'm doing paperwork with huge penalties for mistakes instead of trying to grow my business, writes Cindy ...
In the lead-up to the 2020 election, all eyes are on Iowa ... Des Moines Register. "I believe anyone who is hoping to start ...
Federal agriculture workers laid off in "Valentine's Day Massacre" deny they were part of a bloated bureaucracy.
Our president does not know and/or care about the long-term effects on Iowa farmers, but I am confident that Sen. Chuck Grassley, Sen. Joni Ernst, Secretary Mike Naig and our other elected ...
Grassley and Iowa's other senator, Republican Joni Ernst, both voted for Rollins' confirmation. “I’m encouraged by her attention to detail and hard work, something I’m sure will serve her ...
AMES – The first thing I’ll note is that Iowa State basketball did a lot to like offensively in its 81-70 victory Saturday against Cincinnati. The 10 th-ranked Cyclones made 39% of their 3 ...