As the cost of pet medicines and treatments rise, some have turned to cheaper online sources. Read more at
Up to 3,600 different chemicals from food packaging have been identified in the human body. Scientists are calling for more ...
Up to 3,600 different chemicals from food packaging—that’s how many substances have been identified in the human body.
Chemicals used in food packaging and linked with health problems have been detected in the human body. The chemicals can move ...
A recent review has uncovered the widespread presence of food contact chemicals (FCC) in humans, identifying 3,601 chemicals ...
A new study recently found evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals (FCCs) through food packaging ...
Researchers have found more than 3,600 chemicals from food packaging in blood, urine, and breast milk. Scientists are ...
The snacks now have a Class I risk level, meaning there is a "reasonable probability" they could cause "serious adverse health consequences or death." ...
Plastic waste is a global problem, and the food sector is one of its main drivers. It only takes a quick visit to a ...
A new study finds more than 3,000 chemicals used in food packaging are getting into people's bodies. Some -- including BPA, ...
Food containers and cookware are leaching more potentially hazardous chemicals into our bodies than previously thought, new ...
The study, which was published in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, discovered that thousands of ...