Donald Trump’s “drill, baby, drill” mantra portrays fossil fuels as the magic road to lower energy prices. He’s exactly wrong ...
If you’re part of the over 6 million households in England, Scotland or Wales that struggle during winter due to fuel poverty, then you might ...
A few weeks ago, an editorial in this space about alternative energy noted that one objection to solar farms and wind farms was that they take land out of agricultural production. It’s good to report ...
Green energy policies are pushing everyone—on all continents—toward energy poverty. Climate alarmism is a large part of the ...
Utah’s first floating solar array was launched in Park City on Thursday. The array will power over 90% of Mountain Regional ...
In May, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and IRS released additional guidance on the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA’s) ...
Meet balkonkraftwerk, the simple technology putting solar power in the hands of renters and nudging Germany toward its clean ...
Green energy groups are pushing to shut down fossil fuel-based power plants in favor of wind and solar, causing electricity ...
DTE Energy announced that it has broken ground on three new solar projects in the last four months, in response to growing ...
The desert is not a good place for solar panels. That's what we have learnt by covering it and losing 1.1 GW energy in a ...
NASA has harnessed the energy of the Sun to power spacecraft and drive scientific discovery across our solar system. Today, NASA continues to advance solar panel technology and test new innovations.
The civil society groups are advocating for the conversion of 40% of diesel-operated irrigation pumps to solar energy by 2027 ...