Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday told officials to streamline the process of land acquisition and make processes more industry-friendly. He also emphasised the need to update ...
But this year, Maitri approached BGMI to create an ad for a day that never gets advertised, speaking to people who avoid the spotlight - the introverts. “Games like BGMI provide the perfect amount of ...
According to the police, the environment department has issued strict prohibitions on nylon manja to protect both animals and ...
MUMBAI: In a world where extroverts dominate the narrative, a whisper of recognition often speaks louder than a shout. Maitri ...
Global Maitri Festival in Karjat, Maharashtra, gathered over 10,000 attendees, promoting spirituality and social ...
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis calls for a streamlined land acquisition process to enhance industry-friendly ...
Maitri crafted BGMI ads in Malayalam, Tamil, and Kannada. This marks Maitri’s first national campaign for BGMI ...
India is gearing up to establish a new research station in Antarctica, named Maitri-2, to replace its aging predecessor. The ...
Maitri Advertising Agency launches the first-ever ad campaign for World Introvert Day, featuring BGMI and appealing to a niche audience. A unique approach to gaming advertising.
NewsVoir New Delhi [India] December 26 MaitriBodh Parivaar a socio-spiritual organization is set to host the Maitri Mahotsav ...
MaitriBodh Parivaar, a socio-spiritual organization, hosted the Maitri Mahotsav – Global Maitri Festival in Karjat, ...