BBVA has received the green light from the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV) to provide custody and execution ...
The Bot Talent internal competition has demonstrated the creativity of BBVA employees to come up with innovative and secure ...
The Group continued to grow steadily, while having a positive impact on society. Furthermore, BBVA successfully completed a ...
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Music and Opera category has gone in this 17th edition to Toshio ...
The use of ChatGPT Enterprise is already saving BBVA employees an average of two hours of work per week. In tandem, the bank ...
Un año más, BBVA ha destacado entre los bancos europeos por su combinación única de crecimiento y rentabilidad. El crédito creció un 14% y la rentabilidad sobre el capital se situó muy cerca del 20%.