YB want to give Aston Villa a leg up in the opening game of the reformed Champions League. A look at the past shows that the ...
The right-back is the latest addition to Alessandro Mangiarratti's team. In the spring, Lembikisa played for Heart of ...
Stoos is literally overrun this year, and there are traffic jams on the hiking trails. A TikTok video about the Fronalpstock ...
The Road and Para-Cycling World Championships begin on Saturday in and around Zurich. 53 races will put the city and ...
Raffaele Fitto is to become the first politician from the right-wing Italian party Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) to ...
Commissioner Maros Sefcovic is to remain responsible for the European Commission's relations with Switzerland. This was ...
The Zurich-based media company Tamedia is reorganizing its editorial offices and implementing the job cuts announced at the ...
The league phase of the Champions League starts on Tuesday. A new chapter of the "premier class" begins - with more lucrative ...
What is he trying to tell us? Thomas Gottschalk has fueled speculation about the end of his TV career with an ambiguous ...
- declared three motions urgent. These concern the consequences of a landslide in Lütisburg and questions about measures to combat the presence of the problematic chemical PFAS in the soil; - Road ...
Bei einem Busunfall am Machu Picchu in Peru sind 30 Tourist*innen verletzt worden. Der Bus ist am Montag auf dem Rückweg von ...
Ormai a corto di uomini, Israele sta arruolando richiedenti asilo, soprattutto africani, da impegnare nel conflitto ...