After a first positive experience in Abu Dhabi at the end of 2023 with the presentation of the "Arrive and Drive" competition ...
Après une première expérience positive à Abu Dabi fin 2023 lors de la présentation du concept de compétition “Arrive and ...
Rain reshuffled the cards in Race 3, won by Britain's Doyle Parfait. Overall, Japan's Kato scored the most points, but we'll ...
La pluie a redistribué les cartes lors de la Course 3, gagnée par le Britannique Doyle Parfait. Au général, le Japonais Kato ...
The new version of can be viewed easily on all platforms. At the forefront of web technologies, the functionality ...
The new version of can be viewed easily on all platforms. At the forefront of web technologies, the functionality of version 2 has been greatly extended to facilitate the organisation of ...
Japan’s Taito Kato and Belgium’s Yani Stevenheydens were unable to separate themselves in the first two races at Paul Ricard, while Jules Caranta lost his ...
Les deux premières courses du Paul Ricard n’ont pas permis au Japonais Taito Kato et au Belge Yani Stevenheydens de se départager, tandis que Jules Caranta a perdu ses derniers espoirs d’être titré ...