El Comando General del Ejército y las Fuerzas Armadas anuncia el cierre del espacio aéreo sobre la región noroccidental de Siria, en particular sobre Idleb, ante los vuelos y cualquier avión ...
اعتبر الدكتور محمود السيد رئيس مجمع اللغة العربية أن الأمن اللغوي هو الأمن الذي يحافظ على اللغة العربية مشبهاً إياه بالأمن ...
بمشاركة سورية ووفود من 22 دولة عربية عقد في مدينة شنغهاي الصينية ‏الاجتماع الأول للرابطة الصينية العربية للمؤسسات الفكرية، ...
Damasco, 15 abr (SANA) Sabías que la escritora y dramaturga británica, Agatha Christie, estuvo en Siria y escribió en la ciudad de Alepo su famosa novela policial (Asesinato en el Orient Express).
Hasaka, SANA-Two children were martyred, six more citizens were injured on Tuesday in an artillery attack launched by the Turkish occupation forces on villages in Abu Rasin. “Turkish occupation ...
14/09/2024 Comments Off on Presidente Al-Assad encarga formar neuvo gobierno Damasco, 14 sep (SANA) El presidente Bashar Al-Assad encarga a Muhammad Ghazi Al-Jalali para formar el gobierno en Siria.
Moscow, SANA- the Ukrainian forces bombed the village of Ttekino in Kursk region and no causalities were reported. “This morning, the Ukrainian armed forces fired again at the village of Ttekino.
Sweida, SANA- Three children were martyred and three others were injured in a blast of a mine left behind by Daesh “ISIS” terrorists in al-Saqyiah village, Sweida northern countryside.
Deir Ezzor, SANA-The US occupation forces have killed three persons in an airdrop which they carried out on Sunday at dawn in al-Shuhail village, Deir Ezzor eastern countryside. Local sources told ...
Hasaka, SANA- A convoy of US occupation tankers laden with stolen Syrian oil along with vehicles laden with military equipment have leaved the Syrian al-Jazeera region through al-Waleed ...
Moscow, SANA- A Syrian-Russian summit was held in Moscow between Presidents Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin during which they discussed the files of the standing bilateral cooperation between ...
Deir Ezzor, SANA- A number of US occupation-backed QSD militia gunmen were killed in detonation of an explosive device on the road of al-Omar field in Deir Ezzor eastern countryside. Civil ...