Merlin’s baggy y-fronts! Can you believe it’s only ten days until we go back to Hogwarts?!? Have you been to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies? Did you outgrow last year’s robes and ...
Merlin’s baggy y-fronts! Can you believe it’s only ten days until we go back to Hogwarts?!? Have you been to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies? Did you outgrow last year’s robes and ...
Find a picture of the movie poster that you would have liked to be part of. Make sure it is the biggest size and resolution possible. If making a poster out of it, then it will need to be at least ...
John 3:3 Jesus says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God' 1 that is, heaven. Jesus goes on to describe this as being "born of water and the ...
Some would say that Harry Potter is a Bildungsroman story, about the growth of the protagonist (Harry) from childhood to adulthood. Others argue that it is a fantasy story containing a quest ...
Imagine the temptation a Potions master must face: He has incredible skill and ample ingredients to be used in the creation of a potion that would help him achieve his goals. It seems highly ...