Humboldt-Universität has a rich collection of valuable art treasures. The collection also contains many works from the GDR ...
The productive relationship between church and state is increasingly viewed critically. The decline in membership of the ...
The expert discussion provides impetus for an ethically appropriate treatment of people on the border between life and death ...
Prof Dr Gabriele Metzler has been Professor of the History of Western Europe and Transatlantic Relations at ...
The 90-minute tour provides visitors with all the information on political arrest and persecution during the Soviet occupation and the GDR.44 years of political persecution: You can follow the darker ...
An evening about a strong woman who, during a Gestapo interrogation, states: "If others have become traitors, I certainly will not." ...
The repertoire at Berlin's puppet theatres is packed: the well-known sketches by German comic Loriot add a surprisingly amusing note to a Berlin trip for audiences at Theater am Winterfeldplatz. Look ...
In den Goldenen Zwanzigern zeigt sich die Moderne in Berlin wie unter einem Brennglas. Es ist die Dekade der Neuen Sachlichkeit, der Bohéme in Opiumhöhlen und Kaffeehäusern, der selbstbewussten Frau ...
Bereits zum zehnten Mal findet an diesem Wochenende die Berlin Food Week statt. Und zum zehnten Mal dreht sich wieder alles um Genuss, leckere Zutaten und die Gastro-Szene in der Hauptstadt. Ein ...