The journalists received this information in Telegram conversations with Ukrainian troops. The soldiers described difficult ...
The Ministry for Ukrainian Unity recently announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy may be headed by Oleksii Chernyshov, ...
Desertions among Kyiv's troops have increased as Moscow continues to advance in the east of the war-torn country.
Ukrainian Olympic fencing champion Olha Kharlan has said she is "disappointed" that Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov has ...
British hitmaker is still talking about being denied the ability to adopt an orphan in 2009 due to being in a gay ...
President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Dec. 2 new reshuffles in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Zelensky's statement follows General Mykhailo Drapatyi's appointment as Ukraine's Ground Forces commander ...
Zelensky said the main condition for such an agreement would be NATO membership for the parts of Ukraine not controlled by ...
Workers at one of Ukraine’s thermal power plants struggle to repair damage and keep electricity flowing as Russia continues ...
A Ukrainian poet and screenwriter was reportedly killed on the frontlines while fighting against Russia in Donetsk Oblast.
Russian forces are closing in on two strongholds. The fall of the cities could pave the way for a takeover of the southern ...
A Ukrainian court on Friday lifted a partial seizure of VEON's corporate rights in Ukraine's leading mobile operator Kyivstar ...
Short on manpower, Ukraine is increasingly relying on drones to fight against Russian advances as little as 30 meters away ...