In this special edition from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Charles Pellegrin sits down with Nigeria's ...
Surrounded by snowy mountain peaks in the Swiss Alps, the world's rich and powerful rub shoulders at Davos, with only one man dominating their chats: US President Donald Trump. "This year ...
DAVOS (Switzerland) - World Economic Forum annual meeting PICTURE. VIDEO. (To 24) PARIS (France) - Paris Fashion Week, Menswear Fall/Winter 2025-2026 VIDEO. PICTURE. (To 26) ANKARA (Turkey) - EU ...
"Trump est un provocateur. Il adore être un provocateur, et beaucoup de gens à Davos s'ennuient dans leur vie. Il n'est pas ennuyeux. Donc vous savez, c'est plutôt excitant", a dit à l'AFP Graham ...
The initiative will affect approximately 1 million square kilometers of indigenous territories - almost 14% of Brazil's territory and equivalent to the sum of the areas of France and England. DAVOS ...
Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Good morning from Davos, Switzerland, on the final day of the World Economic Forum. The hottest chatter over the past 24 hours has been about two topics.
Elle n'a pas cité nommément Donald Trump, qui doit intervenir jeudi en visioconférence à Davos, pas plus que le vice-Premier ministre chinois Ding Xuexiang qui lui a succédé à la tribune.
Quatre mois après avoir lancé à Paris le premier « Davos des banlieues », son organisateur Aziz Senni, président de ...
US President Donald Trump addressed business leaders in Davos, with a clear message: build in America, or face tariffs. FRANCE 24's Charles Pellegrin was on the ground to catch their reactions. IDA ...
France will have a new budget designed to bring down its deficit in the coming weeks, a top official told CNBC in Davos on Wednesday. The country is aiming to cut its national deficit so that it ...
PARIS - France is pushing to cut red tape at European Union level, calling for a \"massive pause\" in new EU regulations, a ...
Selon un sondage du cabinet PwC, 58 % des dirigeants d’entreprise se disent très confiants, contre 38 % en 2023. Une amélioration du moral des patrons due en partie au retour de Donald Trump à la prés ...