Slovenian media speculated the government might now propose Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon or former ambassador Marta Kos for a commission posting in Brussels.
BRUSSELS — Tomaž Vesel, Slovenia’s pick to be its European commissioner, withdrew his candidacy Friday in the wake of pressure from Ursula von der Leyen to provide female nominees. European Commission ...
Almost two years in office, the far-right Brothers of Italy party met on Wednesday for a key council to review the government’s progress and the agenda for the next few months, including the ...
The EU’s outgoing digital and competition supremo regretted the outcome of landmark tax state aid cases and expressed optimism for the future of European AI in an exclusive sit down with Radio ...
Za 84.000 dijakov in 192.774 učencev se začenja novo šolsko leto, ki prinaša tudi nekatere novosti. Tako bo med drugim NPZ obvezen po vseh triletjih in bo vplival na vpis v srednje šole, spremembe pa ...
Slavko Gaber je še vedno aktiven kot profesor na pedagoški fakulteti, s konkretnimi predlogi pa sodeluje pri partnerstvu za pravičen in kakovosten vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem. "Primanjkuje nam več ...
Medtem ko vladna stran poudarja, da želijo z njim prispevati k ustvarjanju spodbudnega okolja za razvojne kadre in dodatno okrepiti konkurenčnost gospodarstva ter dodano vrednost, pa v gospodarskih ...
Harriet Dart lost out 7-6 (12-10) 6-1 to Marta Kostyuk in the second round of the US Open, the British No 3's challenge fading after giving the 19th seed a huge scare in the first set.
Primož Roglič, ki na španskih cestah lovi svojo četrto skupno zmago na Dirki po Španiji, je po sredini 11. etapi, kjer mu je uspelo vodilnemu Benu O'Connorju odščipniti 37 sekund zaostanka, zadovoljen ...
Harriet Dart reached the third round at Wimbledon in July and was looking to match that run at the US Open Britain's Harriet Dart suffered a painful defeat as she lost to Ukrainian 19th seed Marta ...