The top US diplomat said that 90% of the cease-fire deal had been agreed upon and that the remaining issues were Israeli control of the Philadelphi corridor, which runs along the Gaza-Egypt border ...
After a bailout pulls Egypt back from the brink, new foreign investment and robust local banks sector suggest a return to growth. Last fall, as conflict erupted in Gaza, Egypt’s economy, already ...
near Gaza's southern border with Egypt. Demonstrators demanded a cease-fire deal with Hamas that would secure the release of the remaining 101 hostages. Frustration with the government's inability ...
Israel is open to negotiating control of Gaza’s border with Egypt after the end of the war with Hamas, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer said, though must maintain troops there for now to ...
a narrow band along Gaza's border with Egypt where Israel contends Hamas smuggles weapons into Gaza. Egypt and Hamas deny it. Netanyahu called the corridor vital to ensuring Hamas cannot rearm via ...
An earlier statement rejected as "incorrect" media reports that "Netanyahu has agreed that Israel will withdraw" from the strip of territory along the Gaza-Egypt border. During his regional tour, ...
He told foreign media in Jerusalem that he is “open” to considering alternatives to the presence of Israeli troops along the Gaza-Egypt border, as part of any future permanent ceasefire deal ...