CMS cannot finalize policies that were not, in some way, shape, or form, included in the proposed reg. While CMS can ...
President Donald Trump and his allies are already crafting a plan to make good on their promise to cut federal spending this ...
A glamorous woman in an unglamorous job, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy sits in a cavernous office that is entirely empty other than ...
Dan Bishop, a former member of Congress, has said he would support the administration's effort to withhold appropriated funds ...
Ueland, who is currently the acting chief of staff for OMB, would be the deputy director for management at OMB if confirmed by the Senate.
At the end of last year, in this post on the CLS Blue Sky Blog, two leading authorities on securities law, Professors John C. Coffee, Jr. and ...
Efforts to gut the bureau still appear on, evidence may indicate. A defense attorney, meanwhile, tried to highlight the ...
Eric Ueland will return to Capitol Hill seeking confirmation to a senior role in the White House budget office.