SCOTTSDALE, AZ (AZFamily)— Scottsdale residents and visitors can soon receive a new notification on their cellphones during an emergency if they sign up for a new service. The city of Scottsdale ...
The RAVE Alert system will be run by Scottsdale Police. It will be activated during large events, providing alerts about things like severe weather, public safety concerns, evacuations and more.
Receive important SCU Bronco Alerts, call, or chat with Campus Safety Services, and gain access to safety resources and documents, all within the app. Download the FREE Rave Guardian safety app to ...
Wilkes University has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to offer an emergency notification system, WILKES ALERT, capable of sending users text and e-mail messages. You may learn more about Rave Mobile ...
Emergency Notifications are sent via the Rave Alert System. Information that will initiate a Timely Warning or Emergency Notification may originate from reports made to the DePauw Police Department, ...
The campus will be notified of parking bans via RAVE alerts and Twitter. When parking bans end, notices will be sent via university email and appear on Twitter. In the event of a parking ban, resident ...
Wake began training people in its use in October and getting all local 911 centers fully set up to receive and monitor RAVE alerts. The app will only be available for teachers and other school ...
The Rave Panic Button and alarm system is an app that school staff can download to their phones. At the press of a digital button, teachers can alert authorities and communicate instantly during ...