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The Washington Department of Ecology (ECY) wants to prioritise new methane reductions through the forthcoming Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) rulemaking, according to staff at an environmental justice ...
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday announced nearly $1 billion in funding to boost the adoption of lower carbon technologies for school buses across the country, amid ...
California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices in the secondary market traded within a narrow range awaiting regulatory certainty over the week, while Washington Carbon Allowances (WCAs) jumped nearly $5, ...
Faster deployment of batteries and interconnectors, needed to keep pace with expected wind and solar capacity growth, would save countries €9 billion in gas costs annually from 2030, according to ...
A co-chair of the influential International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) has ruled out the possibility of using biodiversity credits as an international offsetting mechanism during an ...
We use cookies to improve your website experience and to analyse our traffic. We also share non-personally identifiable information about your use of our site with our analytics partners. By ...
We use cookies to improve your website experience and to analyse our traffic. We also share non-personally identifiable information about your use of our site with our analytics partners. By ...
A group of scientists have launched an effort to adjust estimates of the social cost of greenhouse gasses (SC-GHG) to society by incorporating climate change’s impacts on ocean systems, according to a ...
We use cookies to improve your website experience and to analyse our traffic. We also share non-personally identifiable information about your use of our site with our analytics partners. By ...
We use cookies to improve your website experience and to analyse our traffic. We also share non-personally identifiable information about your use of our site with our analytics partners. By ...
A coalition of environmental organisations has called on California regulator ARB to revoke thousands of carbon credits issued to a Wisconsin-based company, citing repeated environmental violations ...