On 20 September, the results of the 2024 Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads international photo contest will be revealed in Beijing, China, as part of the 11th Peace Garden Peace Festival, which coincides ...
Large collection of over 1600 works on ten great and small sciences of traditional Buddhism (philosophy, technology, logic, medicine, philology, astrology, model dance, poetics, Abhidarma, composition ...
The latest stage in the Palaeolithic era is that of the Upper Palaeolithic Cultures, in which important technological advances were made, such as the invention of flint tools and fine-edged blades. It ...
The Kushan Age (the first to the fourth century AD) was a time of great innovation for the economy of Central Asia. Developments were made in irrigation, crop-raising and breeding, building and ...
International Seminar for UNESCO Integral Study of the Silk Roads: Roads of Dialogue: “The influence of the Silk Roads on Turkish Culture and Art”. 30, October, 1990. Izmir, Turkey.
The frankincense trees of Wadi Dawkah and the remains of the caravan oasis of Shisr/Wubar and the affiliated ports of Khor Rori and Al-Baleed vividly illustrate the trade in frankincense that ...
The Sbek Thom is a Khmer shadow theatre featuring twometre high, non-articulated puppets made of leather openwork. Dating from before the Angkorian period, the Sbek Thom, along with the Royal Ballet ...
The expedition of Zhang Qian in 138 BC is considered to be the foundation of the first ‘Silk Road’. On his return to Han China, his most important achievement was to demonstrate the possibility for ...
Religious movements and religions have had an important role on the history of the Silk Roads. It is notably the case of Buddhism which had a considerable influence on the early trade routes. Within ...
Destiny can play strange games with archaeological discoveries. One can spend half his life studying a scientific problem or looking for traces of vanished civilizations, but all the efforts prove ...
The vast trade networks of the Silk Roads carried more than just merchandise and precious commodities. In fact, the constant movement and mixing of populations brought about the widespread ...
In the seventh century, three new and important political powers came to dominate Central Asia. To the east, the Chinese Tang dynasty emerged and would remain powerful until the tenth century; in ...