Flying to the moon, becoming the world’s most populous country, excellent growth forecasts: India is playing an increasingly ...
Cette thèse fait actuellement débat : la semaine de travail est de plus en plus courte (pour chaque emploi à temps plein, 46 ...
Switzerland has the highest wealth tax in the world, and the trend is rising. Today, it generates 5.6 percent of total ...
Die Vermögensteuer ist nirgends so bedeutend wie in der Schweiz – Tendenz steigend. Mittlerweile generiert sie 5,6 Prozent ...
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Le bilan de la BNS a fortement augmenté depuis les années 2000. Il représentait encore entre 20 et 25 % du PIB avant la crise ...
The Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) primary mission is to ensure price stability, an obligation it has successfully fulfilled. It ...
Avenir Suisse’s English-language monthly newsletter aims to reunite people and institutions interested in obtaining regular valuable insights on Switzerland.
Dr Stefan Legge is Vice-Director and Head of Tax & Trade Policy at the ILE-HSG Institute at the University of St. Gallen. Alongside his acclaimed teaching activities, he advises political and economic ...