Boscombe for bread. Then to Marawi in Westbourne to meet 'S' & 'G' at 2:30. After about 10mns wait, called 'S' as she's usually on time, or messages. They'd gone to Marawi in town! (They have 3 ...
A strange Saturday morning as I usually take Libby for a walk by the river across the playing fields …but not today or in the future. I spent quite a while sorting my pots on the balcony and planting ...
Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses, I went out to see Mary Doll today as it’s her birthday. She was absolutely delighted to see me…as it meant I could set up her new AirPods! I ...
A lovely sunny day today albeit a bit cold. Went to Mawbray on the coast this morning to look for the Shaggy Inkcaps. I wasn't disappointed as there were lots and lots of them. I got ink on my hands ...
My goodness did the Heavens open right at the start!! or would not have gone.. The moment you want the race director to stop talking and say 3,2,1... Go.. This is n the park wonderful cafe.. Always ...
I went out for a fungi search in Great Wood today - with no success at all. And I'm usually pretty good at spotting them. Did end up with a fairly satisfying shot of the waterfall though ...
After seeing local photos online last night showing the Aurora I went to Port Carlisle to see them. It was well worth going as the red was actually quite visible to the naked eye. Misty's collie ...
A full on day in the office, filing tax returns. But, if I’ve done my sums right, we should end up with a small rebate. Which would be quite nice. So I took the dogs on the evening dog walk and in the ...
Today has been an uphill slog. So as well as a new scooter costing almost £3000 more than the insurance payout, now Younger Son D has been ripped off again with the insurance. The brokers went to his ...
A fabulous morning walk along the canal, so nice to get a sunny start to the day. Saw two deer, but they did not wait for a photo. Went to the Town Hall with three of the neighbours for a flu and ...
Mindi's human always has fresh flowers from the garden in the kitchen, lounge and my bedroom. These pretty roses are on the kitchen table. What a difference in the weather today! No sunshine ...
I was up early and left home just before 6am to drive to the New Forest in Dorset to meet Guy Edwardes for the fungi workshop. We were due to meet at 8am but I did not want to be late in case there ...