Domaine Michel Gros Vendange 2024 – Day 1, Saturday 21st Sept After travelling, arrival day and evening socials/dinner, this was ‘it’, day one for this vintage which, maybe more than usual, has ...
Just click on the WhatsApp image (right) to see/get real-time notifications of all new posts on Burgundy Report directly to ...
Domaine Michel Gros Vendange Sept 2024 Preamble Bonjour Tout les Monde ! MdMdlV reporting in ahead of this latest Burgundy grape harvest (vendange); my 15th in total, ‘across’ 5 domaines, and my ...
Sorry, no matching entries found. Just click on the WhatsApp image (right) to see/get real-time notifications of all new posts on Burgundy Report directly to your ...
It’s true – I’ve bored you enough about a year that has experienced wave after wave of rain – but with some nice sunny days too. Unfortunately, for many producers, the balance has seemed to be more in ...
Although this site has to support itself, and its author, everything in these pages is eventually free to view. With 350-400 domaine visits and many blind tastings per year, you won’t find that level ...
Mainly the whites are from the 2022 vintage, some producers preferring – or it's simply better – to show their wines one vintage later.
A number of new domaines here, others catching up after a time away – including a few words from the producers on their 2022 and 2021 campaigns. As always, those wines worth a special search are ...