首相安华否认柔佛王储随扈打人案已不了了之,惟称一些案件需耗时解决。大马聋人权益与福利倡导组织(DAWN)却认为前者试图推卸责任,而深表失望。 DAWN总秘书张伟义接受《当今大马》访问 ...
Selain mengacarakannya semasa sarapan di Kuala Lumpur, Christopher Luxon juga berterima kasih kepada usahawan itu kerana ...
Pakatan Harapan Youth has censured the opposition for rejecting the memorandum of understanding (MOU) on allocations for its ...
“Anwar appears to have no answers, but only evasions,” said LFL director Zaid Malek. He said the prime minister’s response ...
Malaysia has officially ratified the United Kingdom’s accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for ...
Alif Teega didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur hari ini atas dua pertuduhan menyalahgunakan dana awam bernilai lebih RM63 ...
自2018年大选后,国阵在砂拉越再无势力,只与原属国阵的砂盟维持良好关系。日前,砂拉越人民力量党(Teras)却声称背后有国阵撑腰,不过国阵昨晚与之撇清关系。 国阵总秘书赞比里昨晚发文告说,人民力量党日前企图牵扯国阵,让人遗憾。
马来西亚武装部队证实,黎巴嫩平民前天攻击了参与联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(UNIFIL,简称联黎部队)任务的马来西亚维和部队(MALBATT 850-11),所幸无人受伤。
“Semua anggota berserta kenderaan telah tiba di Kem Marakah dengan selamat, bagaimanapun kedua-dua buah kenderaan mengalami ...
The Defence Ministry said two vehicles from the Malaysian Battalion (Malbatt 850-11), deployed in the United Nations Interim ...
The authorities knew that the Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holding (GISBH) scandal would be reported, as police ...
Sebanyak 1,942 keluarga yang terjejas banjir di Kedah kini ditempatkan di 36 pusat pemindahan sementara (PPS) di tujuh daerah ...