Humboldt-Universität has a rich collection of valuable art treasures. The collection also contains many works from the GDR ...
Craft workshop as part of the exhibition "Sweating & Freezing". The exhibition "Sweating & Freezing" for children aged 2 to 12 offers a diverse journey of discovery on topics such as health promotion, ...
With the spiral-shaped stage untitled 2024 (demo station no. 8), offering space for daily public performances, the atrium of the Gropius Bau becomes a place where people can come together and spend ...
The productive relationship between church and state is increasingly viewed critically. The decline in membership of the ...
A new weekend in Autumn is just around the corner, and of course we have the capital's best event tips for you again. For example, you can paint the East Side Gallery with Ignasi Blanch, analyse your ...
Together with an illustrator and a historian, the tour leads to the stories of the East Side Gallery and the former border area on Mühlenstraße. Meeting point: Infomobil, Mühlenstraße 73, 10243 Berlin ...
During the Bauhaus period, people experimented with different artistic techniques and worked with very different materials. Today you will receive a material as a gift that we have selected for you.
The expert discussion provides impetus for an ethically appropriate treatment of people on the border between life and death ...
Prof Dr Gabriele Metzler has been Professor of the History of Western Europe and Transatlantic Relations at ...
An evening about a strong woman who, during a Gestapo interrogation, states: "If others have become traitors, I certainly will not." ...
The Romanisches Café is a stage for authors who live and write in Berlin today. The first guest is Pedro Kadivar, born in ...
Auf dem Weg zur Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands gab es zahlreiche Schlüsselmomente – und ebenso viele Orte, an denen diese Geschichte greifbar wird. Ob Schauplatz großer politischer Wendungen oder Ort ...