Sheep keepers that marketed culls last week cashed in on a freak bidding frenzy that took prices beyond supply and demand ...
Not only did the Calderdale-based Leach family successfully retain the supreme prime lamb championship for a scintillating third year running at ...
Hidden within the thousands of pages of rules that make up the latest version of the Basel banking regulations is a provision ...
Crowds flocked to the judging rings in the Eikon Exhibition centre which played host to the seventh annual Royal Ulster ...
The holiday spirit was felt across Springfield Monday evening, as residents gathered for an annual tree lighting.
Rachel Gallagher reports on the recent Sassy Sapphires online timed auction conducted through Harrison and Hetherington.
Judge Stuart Stark, who buys 1500-2000 lambs per week for the wholesale market was most impressed by the show, and particularly his choice of champion and reserve winning pairs – Beltex and Texel ...
Suffolk females stole the spotlight at Thainstone's multi-breed show, topping prices with a ewe lamb selling for 5200gns and gimmer at 4500gns.
Parkitect from Texel Raptor is celebrating a sixth anniversary, with a big new update out now and news of a fresh DLC coming.
Fat lambs sold to a top of £168, store lambs sold to £129 and fat ewes to £214.