Aleksandar Vučić - Wikipedia
Aleksandar Vučić (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Вучић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar vǔtʃitɕ]; born 5 March 1970) [1] is a Serbian politician serving as the president of Serbia since 2017. [2]
Biography - The President of the Republic of Serbia
The Government that was lead by Aleksandar Vucic reached a historical success by implementing the most difficult economic reforms in modern Serbian history. By temporarily cutting pensions and salaries in public sector he saved Serbia from bankruptcy, recovered the budget and started to decrease Serbia's public debt.
Aleksandar Vučić – Wikipedija
Aleksandar Vučić (Beograd, 5. ožujka 1970.) srbijanski je pravnik i političar, 11. predsjednik Vlade Republike Srbije i aktualni 7. predsjednik Republike Srbije.
Aleksandar Vučić - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aleksandar Vučić (pronounced [aleksǎːndar ʋǔt͡ʃit͡ɕ], born 5 March 1970) is a Serbian politician. He has been the President of Serbia since 31 May 2017. He is also the chairman of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).
Александар Вучић — Википедија
Између 2012. и 2023. био је председник Српске напредне странке (СНС), између 2012. и 2014. први потпредседник Владе Србије, а између 2014. и 2017. председник Владе Србије. Дипломирао је право на Правном факултету Универзитета у Београду. Политичку каријеру је започео 1993. као члан Српске радикалне странке.
Aleksandar Vucic: The man who remade Serbia - BBC
Dec 10, 2023 · Aleksandar Vucic has dominated Serbian politics for the past decade, first as prime minister and later as president. To supporters he is a pragmatic leader who overcame Serbia's deep divides and...
Serbia's president says he won't flee his country like Syria's Assad ...
Dec 12, 2024 · Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić says he isn't like ousted Syrian leader Bashar Assad and has no intention of fleeing the country despite spreading protests against his increasingly autocratic rule.
Aleksandar Vučić — Википедија
4 days ago · Aleksandar Vučić (Beograd, 5. mart 1970) [1] srpski je političar i pravnik. Od 2017. obavlja funkciju predsednika Republike Srbije. [2] Između 2012. i 2023. bio je predsednik Srpske napredne stranke (SNS), između 2012. i 2014. prvi potpredsednik Vlade Srbije, a između 2014. i 2017. predsednik Vlade Srbije.
The President of the Republic of Serbia
Jan 5, 2021 · Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at the general debate of the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
Biografija - Predsednik Republike Srbije
Vlada koju je vodio Aleksandar Vučić postigla je istorijski uspeh provodeći najteže ekonomske reforme u savremenoj srpskoj istoriji. Privremeno smanjujući penzije i plate u javnom sektoru, Srbiju je spasao od bankrotstva, oporavio budžet i počeo da smanjuje javni dug Srbije.