SK hynix
DBL is a story about sustainability management as practiced by SK hynix. SK DBL; Pursuing DBL; DBL Measurement
About Us < Company < SK hynix
SK hynix has secured the industry’s top-level micro process technology based on constant R&D and is constantly developing premium products that use less power than existing products but also have significantly improved capacity, speed, and performance.
SK hynix Official Product Website
From the industry's only automotive HBM memory to UFS and LPDDR5X, SK hynix presents next-generation automotive memory solutions. play World Top Tier Mobile Memory Solutions!
fact-sheet - SK hynix Newsroom
SK hynix Inc., headquartered in Korea, is the world’s top tier semiconductor supplier offering Dynamic Random Access Memory chips (“DRAM”), Flash memory chips (“NAND Flash”) and CMOS Image Sensors (“CIS”) for a wide range of distinguished customers globally.
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SK hynix participated in SEMICON® Korea 2025, held at COEX in Seoul from February 19–21, sharing insights into semiconductor technology trends and reinforcing its AI memory leadership
행복의 가치를 알고, - SK Hynix
글로벌 반도체 시장을 선도하는 sk하이닉스의 첨단 기술을 함께 실현할 수 있는 인재 사고력·실행력 기술에 대한 집념으로 한 발 앞서 시장을 읽고 움직이는 인재
History < Company < SK hynix
Invests in AI Specialized Company 'Gauss Labs Inc.' to Lead SK's Future Value Creation; 7 Month Starts Mass-Production of High-Speed DRAM, "HBM2E" 4 Month Wins the Grand Prize of Water Security 2019 Awarded by CDP; 2019. 10 Month Open Global Newsroom to Strengthen Communication Develops 1Znm 16Gb DDR4 DRAM; 8 Month
SK hynix
SK hynix is ushering in a new future by leading the technology-based IT ecosystem. With tenacious commitment and technological innovation, SK hynix is striving to make a future where all stakeholders and members of society enjoy shared growth.
SK hynix Announces 4Q24 Financial Results
Jan 22, 2025 · SK hynix Inc. (or “the company”, www.skhynix.com) announced today that it recorded best-ever yearly performance with 66.1930 trillion won in revenues, 23.4673 trillion won in operating profit (with an operating margin of 35%), and 19.7969 trillion won in net profit (with a net margin of 30%).
SK hynix Newsroom
SK hynix Picks Up “Oscar of Innovation”: Company’s Groundbreaking KV-CSD Wins 2023 R&D 100 Award SK hynix won the IT/Electrical category at the 2023 R&D 100 Awards for its Key… November 29, 2023